
My site

This blog is a diary of my life. If you got here through google search, hoping to find great information on whatever topic you were googling and then found nothing of importance, well, I'm sorry if my site is not so informative. This is ninelivestogo's words and photos, a site where I (almost) anonymously post my thoughts.

I know my photos may not be great enough to gain commercial compensation, but I still want to caution people not to use my photos for their own commercial gain. If you wish to do so, please contact me first. For students, however, you could reference my site for your homework.

Thanks for visiting. :))

You can click on my flickr badge to check out my other photos. I'm still learning the ropes in taking pictures, but I hope you enjoy looking at them too.

I use film cameras, but for instant gratification, I use my ipod to take pix. I love working with film and the thrill of expecting how the photos will turn out, whether they'd be developed, underexposed, whether they'd be uninteresting or interesting. Sometimes it takes me months to get my rolls developed, it's cheaper to have five rolls developed in Digiprint, so I have to wait until I have at least five rolls.

I'm still developing my blog, planning to add more content, again thanks for visiting. Hopefully, I could make the additions soon.



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